The main concern of Doi & Jaena Jung is the structure. In particular, they focus on the narrative that the structure creates. They note the occurrence of a relationship that could not be owned alone when one and one were added and explore its image from various angles. They find abstract possibilities in connected structures. Connected structures based on probability remind them of potential possibilities in that they can cause something expected or unexpected by chance. As a result, they try to convey the possibility of a story that begins in it by creating a structural scene or situation. Structural imagination frees them from the boundary between design and art and allows them to try a wider range of works. Their works, which are expressed in sculpture, installation, art furniture, public art, and design lead to loose connections within various media. (2024)
Based in Seoul, South Korea
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2012 BFA | Industrial Design, Konkuk University / Seoul, Korea (Doi Jung)
2011 BFA | Ceramics, Kookmin University / Seoul, Korea (Jaena Jung)
2024 길드는 서로들 (단체) / 서울시립 남서울미술관 / 04.10-07.07 / Seoul, South Korea
Fantasia: 매일이 낭만 (단체) / 신세계갤러리 센텀시티 / 01.20-02.20 / Busan, South Korea
2023 Turning up (단체) / 아트사이드갤러리 Temporary / 12.08-29 / Seoul, South Korea
Search light / 로파서울 / 11.17-19 / Seoul, South Korea
The void art show - Odyssey / 더보이드 / 10.12-15 / Seoul, South Korea
2022 New memories in holiday (단체) / 아트사이드갤러리 / 12.02-31 / Seoul, South Korea
Sticky mass (단체) / 옥상팩토리 / 11.25-12.11 / Seoul, South Korea
The art plaza: LINK by IBK (단체) / 오아에이전시 OAseoul / 11.02-06 / Seoul, South Korea
Here’s the things (단체) / 의외의 조합 / 05.04-29 / Seoul, South Korea
더프리뷰 성수 아트페어 (단체) / AML (Art Meets Life) / 04.28-05.01 / Seoul, South Korea
Rejoice 리조이스 전 (단체) / 롯데갤러리 / 03.04-04.24 / Seoul, South Korea
Book & things 물아일체 (단체) / 우란문화재단 / 01.05-02.23 / Seoul, South Korea
2021 How&wow bask it! (단체) / Craft Council Netherland / Eindhoven, Netherland
Dissolve store - Oh Dear (단체) / 한국문화예술회관연합회 / Incheon, South Korea
Push push (공모선정, 2인전) / 공예문화진흥원 / Seoul, South Korea
Whispers at your fingertips (단체) / 공예문화진흥원 / Seoul, South Korea
Typojanchi (단체) / 공예문화진흥원, 문화역284 / Seoul, South Korea
오늘, 하루, 매일, 내일 (단체) / Pack system / Seoul, Sejong,Ulsan, Busan, South Korea
Little red riding hood (단체) / 신세계갤러리 / Daejeon, South Korea
Circuit seoul (단체) / 오아에이전시 OAseoul / Daejeon, South Korea
Unparasite (단체) / Platform-L / Seoul, South Korea
Basket club (단체) / Karimoku / Tokyo, Japan
2020 Oh dear (단체) / Oh dear / Seoul, South Korea
Oh dear (단체) / Oh dear / Uijeongbu, South Korea
2019 Stable turn (단체) / Editori / Seoul, South Korea
Euljiro light way (단체) / 서울 중구청 / Seoul, South Korea
Adventure! Double cross (단체) / Pack System / Seoul, South Korea
2018 Seating plan (단체) / Supply Seoul / Seoul, South Korea
2017 work(room) (work)room / Open Studio / Seoul, South Korea
A way of moving (단체) / 우란문화재단 / Seoul, South Korea
Public sculpture
2024 Midnight garden / DL E&C / Incheon, South Korea
2023 Water, plop / DL E&C / Incheon, South Korea
2023 Garden flower / DL 건설, 금호 건설 / Namyanju, South Korea
2022 Green shoots / DL 건설 / Namyangju, South Korea
2020 Strange trees / DL E&C / Gimpo, South Korea